Hi everyone!
I am a Christian Canadian author whose heart is to share the love of God with as many people as I can. This is why I write books, stories, and my Christian blog. I hope to encourage and inspire you to read your Bible and know God, and to have a strong personal relationship with Jesus because He is the best friend you will ever have.
Every person is precious in God's eyes. He died to save everyone but only those who accept Jesus as their Savior will know Him and receive His salvation. There is no one that He will refuse if you will come to Him and ask Him to be your Lord and Savior.
Don't look at your past and think that Jesus can't forgive you because He can and He will. He paid the punishment for your sins and all you have to do is realize that you are a sinner in need of a Savior, and then Jesus will come into your life and you'll never be the same! Forget what you did in the past and accept what Jesus did for you because from this day forward, your life will be awesome! Jesus will be your friend forever!
Will life be perfect? It will be when we get to Heaven, but as long as we're here we fight the evil of this world—yet not alone because now we have a King who will fight for us. We will see victories here that the world deems impossible, and we will have peace and joy in our hearts that it can't understand. We have a future that the world will never know.
It is my hope that the Inspirational books I have written will encourage you and inspire you to read your Bible so that you can know Jesus in a very personal way. Salvation is not universal; it is personal, between you and Jesus, and it comes when you realize who He is and that you are a sinner and need His grace of salvation.
Through the Scriptures you will learn who God is and how much He loves you. Through prayer and worship, He will draw you to Himself so you can know His love and His mercy towards you.
Jesus is getting ready to pour His wrath upon this evil world that prefers to live in sin rather than in His Grace. But before He comes, He will call all those who love Him out of this world because He does not want us to experience the judgment that is to come. He's coming soon—very soon—and I hope that you will join me when He calls so we will meet our King together!
… ronnie dauber
18 Inspirational books
Four Y/A Adventure novels (Sarah Davies Series) and one adult suspense
Smile, God Loves You! (ronniedauber.com)
Co-author/contributor of 7 books, fiction and non-fiction including Chicken Soup for the Soul
Ghostwriter/editor of four non-fiction books
"I believe that authors of fiction books, especially for children and teens, have a responsibility to write stories that are quality because the characters in these stories often help to develop the character of the reader. What we write can inspire them and help to mold their future and their perception of how to live each day. Therefore, what we write does have an effect on how they view and respect their own life, as well as others. The books I write are exciting, packed with adventure, and yet maintain an element of purity amid today's world of modern thinking by avoiding sexual implication, substance abuse or insolence." ... ronnie dauber
© Copyright Ronnie Dauber, author